Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I cannot tell you how the future will be like. I can only show you....
The software featured above is called C-dragon. WHich is both an imaging software and social media software. Or what we will call a mash-up of two different internet technologies. It has far reaching implications on our future as consumers.
Lets talk about C dragon. It serves the function of any social media platform like facebook or myspace whereby many different users are connected to one another. Although C dragon emphasizes alot about its imaging and tagging capabilities, I personally feel its going to have far reaching implications on other aspects of our life. FOr instance, the social aspect.
First of all, we would not be required to leave our homes anymore. Whether it is travelling or meeting face to face with our friends, the increasingly complex nature of the internet has enabled us as consumers to engage in activities with others in the comforts of our own homes. Why travel and spend money exploring countries when there are high resolution pictures being presented right before your very eyes?(as presented by the software C-dragon. You can view BILLIONS of photos which are of the highest resolutions) why even bother travelling out to meet your friends when you can skype with one another and engage in collective online activities which are getting more interesting and engaging day by day?As promising the internet may seem to be, there are dangers present due to the internet's ability to challenge the traditional paradigm of interpersonal communication.
Instead of the traditional way of dropping yur friends a simple sms to ask him or her about his day, people now rely on twitter to find out what is going on to the people around them. While this has enabled individuals to have a wider circle of friends, it ceases to aid them in developing closer ties with them. If anything, it creates social distance. Here is a cartoon depicting the ills of twitter.
Thanks to the internet, students are now able to engage in interesting lessons with the aid of graphical interfaces to enhance their learning experiences. Learning no longer is restricted to the boundaries of concrete and mortar of the physical classroom but the limitations of the creativity of the teachers. Thanks to the internet, the younger population is now more engaged in politics than they have had been in the past. The rise of viral political propaganda videos, independent political bloggers have all added spice to the otherwise mundane rat race between politicians. THis point applies to journalism as well whereby all individuals are able to offer unique perspectives to the issues affecting them and influencing their fellow peers. However, there lies the problem of accuracy underneath all the advantages the internet offers.
Reflection. Things I've learnt
The module has allowed me to gain an important insight into the past, the present and the future of the internet. If anything, I have learnt of the paradoxical nature of the internet. On one hand, I know of the benefits that the internet has to offer but on the other hand, I have also come to learnt about its detrimental effects. Personally, I am pretty optimistic in regards to the future of the internet. WHile the internet has its dangers, it is our duty as its users to ensure that we do not let ourselves be vulnerable to these perils as we have been informed about them . Com 125 also served as an personal enrichment class for me personally with the lesson on the growth mindset leaving a particularly deep impression on me.
Baby Blogger,
6:00:00 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet journalism or Citizen Journalism is radically changing and challenging the boundaries of traditional journalism. Today, the internet is breaking the chokehold on public discussion and information that the traditional media holds.Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor who operates one of the leading blogs,Instapundit, writes, typically, in his new book, “An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government and Other Goliaths writes "“Millions of Americans who were once in awe of the punditocracy now realize that anyone can do this stuff—and that many unknowns can do it better than the lords of the profession,”
In the New Yorker, a study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, states that there are twelve million bloggers in the United States, and thirty-four per cent of them consider blogging to be a form of journalism. That would add up to more than four million newly minted journalists just among the ranks of American bloggers. If you add everyone abroad, and everyone who practices other forms of Web journalism, the profession must have increased in size a thousandfold over the last decade.
Therefore lies the important question. WHat makes Internet Journalism so appealing??Perhaps what has attracted so many people to engage in or be consumers of Internet Journalism is the fact that they perceive Internet Journalism or Citizen Journalism as news for the people by the people. Nicholas Lemann in his article to the New Yorker entitled "Amateur Hour" states that these bloggers, unrestricted by any obligations to any news organization brings a fuller, clearer and perhaps interesting view of the world as compared to the traditional news Organizations " while sparing us the pomposity and preening that journalists often display."

However, the greatest asset and attraction of Internet Journalism itself; the nature of the writers, proves to be the greatest cause of concern as well. No doubt, the fact that these "journalists" are not tied down by any obligations would empower the writers to offer unbiased, unique points of view, how do we know that they are accurate or even the truth?? While the traditional journalism are restricted in some sense due to certain limitations imposed by the so-called "watchdogs", one thing is for sure, there has to be a certain degree of accuracy. The issue critics of internet journalism have is similar to the distaste our lecturers have for WIkipedia. The principle of being open for editing by anyone makes both of them unauthorative and unreliable. ( According to wikipedia. How ironic LOL)
Ok in my personal point of view, Internet Journalism is a good thing. It provides us with more insights as compared to traditional journalism. However, we should know that there lies the possibility of inaccuracy and it is crucial for us as prosumers of information to evaluate what is being told to us. Which is a good thing is you ask me. Internet Journalism for the good or for worse has forced us to be take up a more active role in engaging with current happenings via critical thinking.
Baby Blogger,
8:40:00 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
How Big a Deal is the internet's role in political campaigns?? Some are saying that its such a big deal that Obama would not have won the election if not for his internet campaigning....
Politics of today involve the sharply increasing their use of e-mail, interactive Web sites, candidate and party blogs, and text-messaging to raise money, organize get-out-the-vote efforts and assemble crowds for a rallies. The Internet, they said, appears to be far more efficient, and less costly, than the traditional tools of politics such as radio, tv and even some good old traditional door knocking. Internet campaigning strategies of today's modern era sees the use of Podcasts which features daily downloaded messages by a political candidate and "viral-attack" videos on opposition parties. The controversial nature of these videos are enough to attract an audience whereby these videos are made known via word of mouth. The best part of it all; its free publicity. Unlike most traditional media whereby huge sums of financial resources are needed for advertisements. Which brings me to my next point: An equal playing field for all. While the candidate with the biggest war chest( biggest wallet) would be able to afford the measures needed for greater publicity, the internet has ensured a level playing field for all.
In my point of view, the internet has had a positive impact on politics.Analysts said that the Internet appeared to be a particularly potent way to appeal to new, young voters, a subject of particular interest to both parties in these politically turbulent times.According to A New York Times articel entitled"Politics Faces Sweeping Change Via the web", what makes the internet so appealing is how it has enabled different political parties to discredit one another via youtube videos or web bloggers with their own respective candidate whom they support. The influence of these web bloggers should not be underestimated for they are influential and have their own group of die hard readers. Political campaigning has never been so interesting with all the subtle fighting in the background! There was once a time whereby the politics was won by the most capable candidate and his/her party. Today, victory is also determined by the party's supporters ,which consist of viral video makers and bloggers, who in their own right have the power to influence others.
In the Singapore Context,..... there is nothing much to say..really!!
Here is one instance from youtube with a political theme. See if it moves you as much as it moved me.. If it does, it just shows you how the effective the internet is as a political tool.
Baby Blogger,
3:11:00 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I met an old friend of mine the other day. I said "hi" and he replied, " wait ah.I reply my email first,"and he continued typing vigorously on his mobile phone, The Blackberry Storm. I've had it with this phone man! In SIM alone, among my circle of friends, I think there are at least 4 people who own the Blackberry Storm. I absolutely hate it!! It makes my Sony Ericsson k850i i bought a year ago seem so obsolete. Let me tell you sth about the Blackberry Storm, it has instant messaging, push emails, an internet browser, a camera, a movie player, and i think a GPS?? I'm not sure..But i think there is a high possibility!! Basically what I am trying to put across is this; there is no longer a single dominant form of media, rather, today's media utilizes a combination of different content forms. This integration of the various media types is called Multimedia and today's technologies all have multimedia capabilities.
Let us examine how the multimedia aspect of a product is emphasized in the different adverts
I feel that the commercials by SOny and Nokia respectively are quite effective in bringing out the multimedia capabilities of their products. The Nokia handphone is depicted as having movie making and sound editing capabilities wheras Sony emphasizes on the superior picture and sound quality of its HD television. Ironically, the fact that both companies are using TV adverts is in itself utilizing the use of a multimedia platform. While it is hard to say which company is more effective in using multimedia to promote its product (cause it seems that everyone is harnessing its capabilities), I can tell you what I feel is effective.
Personally, I feel that Apple is one company which has been successful in its marketing efforts to reach out to consumers. However, what makes Apple so distinct in its marketing strategy is that they adhere to the concept of simplicity which reflects the nature of its product: Simple to use. The following ad is titled MAC VS PC.. and the ad highlights Mac's movie editing program: Imovie Maker(also a multimedia tool, no?)
Baby Blogger,
7:31:00 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
This week we talked about cyber crimes. There are basically 4 basic types of cyber crimes.They are:
1) Viruses(Kana before)
2) Spams (Kana before)
3) Trojan (Kana before)
4) Spyware(KAna before)
5) Phising ( Not yet..not looking forward to it though!)
Ya so it was not surprising that I was all ears when it came to this week's lesson. We learnt more about the different types of cybercrimes and their consequences. SO what is SIngapore's take on cyber crimes?Professor Warren Chik a SIngapore Law professor in a 2006 paper comparing cyber crime laws in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore, that Singapore adopted four approaches in combating computer crime. These are:
1) Passing new legislation that creates crimes where activity warrants it;
2) Imposing severe penalties as punishment and as deterrents;
3) Providing law enforcement agencies with additional powers, granting them extra-territorial jurisdiction, and creating new agencies with specially trained experts to deal with this technological crimes;
4) Making it a crime to abet or even to attempt to perpetrate computer crimes.
Source:, cybercrime is a prevalent problem even in Singapore but I never realized how prevalent it was until I stumbled upon a shocking but true fact:
SIngapore has the second highest rate of cybercrime in the world, coming in only second to the US!!!
While the authorities are taking imperative steps to deter hackers , it does not mean we should merely rest on our laurels and be complacent about computer security.Just to give u a brief idea how easy it is to be a hacker..this is a video teaching you how to be a hacker!!ON YOUTUBE!!!
As ironically as it sounds..there are videos out there which are promoting the importance of virus protection, however, THERE ARE also others teaching people to be hackers in 3 minsJust like 3 mins..I have the potential to be a hacker!!ME!!someone who has zero knowledge on hacking prior to this video!
Having said that, I cannot elaborate the importance of taking measures to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of a cybercrime.
Baby Blogger,
10:44:00 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
In respond to the threats from my friend, whom i quote" I am determined to drag Kevin through the mud any opportunity I get", I too have decided to upload a video which I made for a Communications Project..
I have your dirty laundry too u know! haha
Baby Blogger,
11:07:00 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009

DOES the term 10/10 pc tutor ring a bell?or trigger unpleasant memories of countless of hours in front of the computer doing mundane mouse clicking?? The good news is this: That is pre-historic e-learning. TOday online learning is somewhat of a different story.
Today, the possibilities offered by e-learning proves to be endless. Take for instance, e learning on second life. Whereby the user is able to send his avatars for a knowledge enriching online discussion. Whatever the topic, regardless of the location,knowledge is a mere few clicks of the mouse away. E learning has transcended the boundaries of space and time,enabling users to empower themselves with knowledge as and whenever they want.Due to technological advancement, e learning today has become much more enjoyable due to the intensive interactive graphics it has to offer as depicted by the respective images.
While many of you may wonder how Bloom's taxonomy has anything to with e learning, I think is very relevant to e-learning has it allows for the incorporation of the various educational goals as mentioned by Bloom. For instance, one's knowledge, etc of a particular subject can be tested and enhanced by e-learning as e-learning has a function that conventional learning lacks, which is that of interactive graphics. For instance, a child taught about the importance of promoting a green environment can have his knowledge tested by allowing him to play a simulation game which calls for him to build a city and test his application ability. By looking at how he builds and designs his city, by the number of natural parks he builds, the evaluators can tell whether the concept of promoting a green environment has been ingrained in him. ( This is not made up..remember in primary school whereby we were asked to play a game and build our own city for our national education class??!)
If anything, the week's class has been enlightening for me. There was this point raised by Mr Choy about how the process of getting results is as important as results itself. I think it means alot to me on a personal level. If anything, it has reminded me that there is more than achieving good grades in school; and that the process of going about it also counts.I think that the most important thing is not forgetting to have a good time while pursuing one's education. The self-evaluation form which we all did in class was another highlight for me as it allowed me to gain a new perspective in regards to myself; my strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, it has allowed me to gain new insights and understanding towards my friends. Not a bad week at all..
Baby Blogger,
8:54:00 PM