Abel to Blog

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I cannot tell you how the future will be like. I can only show you....

The software featured above is called C-dragon. WHich is both an imaging software and social media software. Or what we will call a mash-up of two different internet technologies. It has far reaching implications on our future as consumers. 

Lets talk about C dragon. It serves the function of any social media platform like facebook or myspace whereby many different users are connected to one another. Although C dragon emphasizes alot about its imaging and tagging capabilities, I personally feel its going to have far reaching implications on other aspects of our life. FOr instance, the social aspect.

First of all, we would not be required to leave our homes anymore. Whether it is travelling or meeting face to face with our friends, the increasingly complex nature of the internet has enabled us as consumers to engage in activities with others in the comforts of our own homes. Why travel and spend money exploring countries when there are high resolution pictures being presented right before your very eyes?(as presented by the software C-dragon. You can view BILLIONS of photos which are of the highest resolutions) why even bother travelling out to meet your friends when you can skype with one another and engage in collective online activities which are getting more interesting and engaging day by day?As promising the internet may seem to be, there are dangers present due to the internet's ability to challenge the traditional paradigm of interpersonal communication.

Instead of the traditional way of dropping yur friends a simple sms to ask him or her about his day, people now rely on twitter to find out what is going on to the people around them. While this has enabled individuals to have a wider circle of friends, it ceases to aid them in developing closer ties with them. If anything, it creates social distance. Here is a cartoon depicting the ills of twitter.

Thanks to the internet, students are now able to engage in interesting lessons with the aid of graphical interfaces to enhance their learning experiences. Learning no longer is restricted to the boundaries of concrete and mortar of the physical classroom but the limitations of the creativity of the teachers. Thanks to the internet, the younger population is now more engaged in politics than they have had been in the past. The rise of viral political propaganda videos, independent political bloggers have all added spice to the otherwise mundane rat race between politicians. THis point applies to journalism as well whereby all individuals are able to offer unique perspectives to the issues affecting them and influencing their fellow peers. However, there lies the problem of accuracy underneath all the advantages the internet offers.

Reflection. Things I've learnt

The module has allowed me to gain an important insight into the past, the present and the future of the internet. If anything, I have learnt of the paradoxical nature of the internet. On one hand, I know of the benefits that the internet has to offer but on the other hand, I have also come to learnt about its detrimental effects. Personally, I am pretty optimistic in regards to the future of the internet. WHile the internet has its dangers, it is our duty as its users to ensure that we do not let ourselves be vulnerable to these perils as we have been informed about them . Com 125 also served as an personal enrichment class for me personally with the lesson on the growth mindset leaving a particularly deep impression on me.

Baby Blogger,
6:00:00 PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet journalism or Citizen Journalism is radically changing and challenging the boundaries of traditional journalism. Today, the internet is breaking the chokehold on public discussion and information that the traditional media holds.Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor who operates one of the leading blogs,Instapundit, writes, typically, in his new book, “An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government and Other Goliaths writes "“Millions of Americans who were once in awe of the punditocracy now realize that anyone can do this stuff—and that many unknowns can do it better than the lords of the profession,”

In the New Yorker, a study  by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, states that there are twelve million bloggers in the United States, and thirty-four per cent of them consider blogging to be a form of journalism. That would add up to more than four million newly minted journalists just among the ranks of American bloggers. If you add everyone abroad, and everyone who practices other forms of Web journalism, the profession must have increased in size a thousandfold over the last decade.

Therefore lies the important question. WHat makes Internet Journalism so appealing??Perhaps what has attracted so many people to engage in or be consumers of Internet Journalism is the fact that they perceive Internet Journalism or Citizen Journalism as news for the people by the people. Nicholas Lemann in his article to the New Yorker entitled "Amateur Hour" states that these bloggers, unrestricted by any obligations to any news organization brings a fuller, clearer and perhaps interesting view of the world as compared to the traditional news Organizations " while sparing us the pomposity and preening that journalists often display." 

However, the greatest asset and attraction of Internet Journalism itself; the nature of the writers, proves to be the greatest cause of concern as well. No doubt, the fact that these "journalists" are not tied down by any obligations would empower the writers to offer unbiased,  unique points of view, how do we know that they are accurate or even the truth?? While the traditional journalism are restricted in some sense due to certain limitations imposed by the so-called "watchdogs", one thing is for sure, there has to be a certain degree of accuracy. The issue critics of internet journalism have is similar to the distaste our lecturers have for WIkipedia. The principle of being open for editing by anyone makes both of them unauthorative and unreliable. ( According to wikipedia. How ironic LOL)

Ok in my personal point of view, Internet Journalism is a good thing. It provides us with more insights as compared to traditional journalism. However, we should know that there lies the possibility of inaccuracy and it is crucial for us as prosumers of information to evaluate  what is being told to us. Which is a good thing is you ask me. Internet Journalism for the good or for worse has forced us to be take up a more active role in engaging with current happenings via critical thinking.

Baby Blogger,
8:40:00 PM


Kevin Seah
Mr Sexy 2008!


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