Abel to Blog

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In respond to the threats from my friend, whom i quote" I am determined to drag Kevin through the mud any opportunity I get", I too have decided to upload a video which I made for a Communications Project..


I have your dirty laundry too u know! haha

Baby Blogger,
11:07:00 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009

DOES the term 10/10 pc tutor ring a bell?or trigger unpleasant memories of countless of hours in front of the computer doing mundane mouse clicking?? The good news is this: That is pre-historic e-learning. TOday online learning is somewhat of a different story.

Today, the possibilities offered by e-learning proves to be endless. Take for instance, e learning on second life. Whereby the user is able to send his avatars for a knowledge enriching online discussion. Whatever the topic, regardless of the location,knowledge is a mere few clicks of the mouse away. E learning has transcended the boundaries of space and time,enabling users to empower themselves with knowledge as and whenever they want.Due to technological advancement, e learning today has become much more enjoyable due to the intensive interactive graphics it has to offer as depicted by the respective images.

While many of you may wonder how Bloom's taxonomy has anything to with e learning, I think is very relevant to e-learning has it allows for the incorporation of the various educational goals as mentioned by Bloom. For instance, one's knowledge, etc of a particular subject can be tested and enhanced by e-learning as e-learning has a function that conventional learning lacks, which is that of interactive graphics. For instance, a child taught about the importance of promoting a green environment can have his knowledge tested by allowing him to play a simulation game which calls for him to build a city and test his application ability. By looking at how he builds and designs his city, by the number of natural parks he builds, the evaluators can tell whether the concept of promoting a green environment has been ingrained in him. ( This is not made up..remember in primary school whereby we were asked to play a game and build our own city for our national education class??!)

If anything, the week's class has been enlightening for me. There was this point raised by Mr Choy about how the process of getting results is as important as results itself. I think it means alot to me on a personal level. If anything, it has reminded me that there is more than achieving good grades in school; and that the process of going about it also counts.I think that the most important thing is not forgetting to have a good time while pursuing one's education. The self-evaluation form which we all did in class was another highlight for me as it allowed me to gain a new perspective in regards to myself; my strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, it has allowed me to gain new insights and understanding towards my friends. Not a bad week at all..

Baby Blogger,
8:54:00 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009


SO we started the week after CNY with lectures in regards to E-commerce..
Truth to be told, i never realized that E-commerce was such a big deal until it was mentioned in COM 125 class, and it got me doing a little reflection..Am i an online consumer?..hmm.

1. Protein Powder...nutritionpark.com
2.Threadless T-shirts....Threadless.com
3.Buying online books...amazon.com
4.Buying online custom written papers.... secret secret 

Okok..so obviously i am one, among the millions of online consumers. However, what proved captivating for me was the fact about STARTING my very own E-commerce business(remember the hypnotic video with the woman voice kept on challenging us to be part of the e-commerce online business?)To summarize, here are a couple of advantages of starting an e-commerce business

1.Low Start-up Cost..click click. YOu are now yur own boss!

2.Level playing field whereby it is possible to compete with the big online conglomerates like amazon.com etc..E-commerce offers your business exposure not offered by other avenues of doing business.

3. 7 Elevenl concept..24 hours a day/7 days a week..without the heavy electricity bills. Allowing for international customers from a different time zone to buy your products.

4. Minimal knowledge needed. Anyone can start up an online store.. Perhaps get your IT saavy friend to help you. Make him a shareholder or something. For every dress sold..give that dude a few cents or something.

5. So what if you have no business??Don't cost you a cent(Bear in mind we are talking about a small scale business here. E.g selling your used clothes etc. No business so what? Less wardrobe space lor!!No harm no foul)

6. Tailor made offers and customer loyalty. If u are pro enough and have advanced IT skills, you may even customize your business for each individual user, giving you the ability to create web pages, products, and services that suit the requirements of that particular user.

Disadvantages..OF course have!

Competition. Due to the advantages e-commerce offers, it would mean that others would also be forcing themselves on the bandwagon.

Customer Loyalty..Not easy to establish a loyal customer base, considering the number of e-commerce sites that pops up each single day. Too few customers, too many shops.A must to make your business a cut above the rest.

Security. Threats of online hackers and viruses may make e-commerce a risky business.

In conclusion, here is my take on the big hoo-ha of e-commerce. If you got something to offer to the consumers, go do it. I mean i would if i had something to offer to the consumers. Lets face it, not everyone can become a millionaire by engaging in e-commerce, but making a few extra bucks is definitely a possibility. If anyone got good idea for online business, count me in!!!LEGAL or Illegal i am all ears!

Baby Blogger,
9:59:00 PM


Kevin Seah
Mr Sexy 2008!


January 2009
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