WEEK 1..
Hello Mr Choy..and Hello to my friends who are reading my blog..too much free time is it??!LOL.here goes
…In light of Mr. Choy’s quote, his statement has a huge bearing on his first lesson. The History of the Internet. As how a history teacher would put it, it is only by understanding the past that we would be able to predict and explain the events of the future. In the same way, I guess the purpose of the Monday lesson was to let us know about the origins of the Net and thus understand the progresses it has made over the years. In one way or another, I guess the first lesson would serve as a stepping-stone for the remainder of the course whereby we as students learn more about the web and its various functions…
Basically here is the breakdown of the first week’s lesson..
Our first lecture was basically a history lesson whereby we came to know about the origins of the Internet and personally, I found it intriguing as I never knew that its initial purpose was to serve the military. There was another video about Web 2.0 screened. In short, the video showcased the emerging and changing trends of the Internet, and as a user of web 2.0 itself, I could totally identify with the video. Truth to be told, the first lecture got me thinking about the rapid progresses of technology as a whole and not just the Internet. From its humble beginnings as a military project by the name of ARPANET, the Internet of today has become a NECESSITY to almost everyone is exciting to know that the Internet is STILL evolving and I am definitely looking forward to learn more about the emerging trends and functions of the Internet.
While the first lesson may have captured my interest towards COMS 125, the second lesson was more of a technical lesson whereby we were taught about Internet connectivity. Technical jargons like LAN PC card, modems, networks were thrown in during the lesson. I've heard of these terms whenever I had to call the 24 hrs customer service hotline whenever my Internet was down. The technical personnel would mention these jargons and while I may follow his/her instructions and get my Internet up and running at the end of the day, I still would have absolutely no clue about Internet connectivity. What is a proxy? What is a firewall? I had no idea. Hopefully, the wed class has helped me gain some insight on the workings of the Internet. At least next time when I call the technical personnel I would know what I am doing.
The term INTRANET was also mentioned during the course of the Wednesday lesson. I have never understood the difference between the Internet and the intranet. I did encounter with the Intranet during my NS days. I did have a vague idea of what it was. It was like the Internet, but only for military stuff. Regardless of how many times I typed www.google.com, all I got was page error. But the interesting thing was that I was still able to send out emails, share files with my fellow soldiers or even log into forums and download videos, only difference is, they were all military in nature. After the wed class, I finally understood the significance of having "an internal wed to serve the internal needs of the company" such as the military. I believe the reason for doing so is to be able to allow for greater online security, something that is extremely crucial for a sensitive organization such as the military. Joining a series of external networks (i.e. the internet) only increases the risk of being exposed to hackers, viruses etc.
…ALL in all it has been a good start to the COM125 experience, there has been no thoughts of dropping the module thus far ;p.. Together with a new found appreciation of the Internet and a substantial increase in technical knowledge, the first week has gotten me looking forward to the classes my “MONDAYS AND WEDESDAYS WITH ABEL” (hehe..Right not Jonno?)